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NPC Background Generator Prompt

Using this information I want you to create for me a detailed persona for a fantasy Dungeons and Dragons character following these rules.  Write an overview about a non-player character in Dungeons and Dragons.  Include Name, Class, Race and then a summary about the NPC using [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], and [6].  Then describe the NPC’s key values and beliefs using [7], [8], and [9]. Then construct their family structure using  [10], [11], and [12] and finally describe [13], [14], [15], [16], [17] and [18].


[1] Height and Build

[2] Hair and Eye Color

[3] Distinctive Features

[4] Clothing and accessories

[5] Cultural influences

[6] Personality traits

[7] Values and beliefs

[8] Fears and desires

[9] Origin and upbringing

[10] Family structure

[11] Socioeconomic status

[12] Profession and skills

[13] Voice and Tone

[14] Sentence Structure

[15] Friends and allies:

[16] Rivals and enemies:

[17] Affiliations with organizations:

[18] Internal Monologue


[1] Height and build:

a. Towering

b. Petite

c. Muscular

d. Slender

e. Hunched

f. Rotund

g. Lanky

h. Athletic

i. Stocky

j. Lithe


[2] Hair and eye color:

a. Raven-black

b. Platinum-blonde

c. Fiery-red

d. Chestnut-brown

e. Salt-and-pepper

f. Piercing-blue

g. Emerald-green

h. Hazel

i. Smoky-gray

j. Chocolate-brown


[3] Distinctive features:

a. Scarred

b. Tattooed

c. Freckled

d. Birthmark

e. Piercing

f. Unusual eye shape

g. Prosthetic limb

h. Missing teeth

i. Bushy eyebrows

j. Pointed ears


[4] Clothing and accessories

Style and materials:

a. Flowing silk

b. Rugged leather

c. Chainmail armor

d. Opulent velvet

e. Woolen cloak

f. Fur-trimmed

g. Weathered cotton

h. Embroidered linen

i. Plate armor

j. Patchwork fabric


[5] Cultural influences:

a. Elven elegance

b. Dwarven craftsmanship

c. Nomadic attire

d. Maritime-themed

e. Royal regalia

f. Desert-adapted

g. Steampunk-inspired

h. Oriental aesthetic

i. Viking-style

j. Tribal garments


[6] Personality traits


a. Impulsive

b. Stoic

c. Jovial

d. Melancholic

e. Sanguine

f. Enigmatic

g. Irritable

h. Charming

i. Serene

j. Pessimistic


[7] Values and beliefs:

a. Honor-bound

b. Altruistic

c. Greedy

d. Pious

e. Cynical

f. Loyal

g. Traditionalist

h. Open-minded

i. Nihilistic

j. Ambitious


[8] Fears and desires:

a. Power-hungry

b. Vengeance-driven

c. Knowledge-seeker

d. Freedom-loving

e. Fear of betrayal

f. Desire for acceptance

g. Fear of the unknown

h. Wealth-chaser

i. Fear of failure

j. Desire for companionship


[9] Origin and upbringing

Place of birth:

a. Bustling city

b. Remote village

c. Coastal town

d. Mountainous region

e. Nomadic tribe

f. Magical academy

g. Royal palace

h. Underground settlement

i. Island sanctuary

j. Forest enclave


[10] Family structure:

a. Orphaned

b. Single-parent household

c. Extended family

d. Military upbringing

e. Adoptive family

f. Noble lineage

g. Merchant family

h. Religious order

i. Arcane lineage

j. Found family


[11] Socioeconomic status:

a. Impoverished

b. Working-class

c. Merchant-class

d. Comfortable

e. Wealthy

f. Privileged

g. Self-made

h. Inherited fortune

i. Fallen nobility

j. Exiled aristocracy


[12] Profession and skills

Trade or occupation:

a. Blacksmith

b. Alchemist

c. Healer

d. Bard

e. Mercenary

f. Innkeeper

g. Scholar

h. Explorer

i. Smuggler

j. Artisan


[13] Voice and Tone:

  1. Authoritative: A voice that commands attention and respect, often associated with someone in a position of power or expertise.

  2. Melodious: A pleasant, musical voice that flows smoothly, often making the character seem charming or soothing.

  3. Raspy: A rough, scratchy voice that may suggest age, fatigue, or a history of smoking or hard living.

  4. Monotonous: A voice that lacks variation in pitch or tone, which may make the character seem disinterested, bored, or robotic.

  5. Animated: A lively, energetic voice that conveys enthusiasm, excitement, or passion.

  6. Sardonic: A voice that is sarcastic or cynical, often using irony or mockery to convey disdain or amusement.

  7. Timid: A quiet, hesitant voice that suggests shyness, insecurity, or fear.

  8. Boisterous: A loud, exuberant voice that conveys a sense of high energy, confidence, or cheerfulness.

  9. Soothing: A calming, gentle voice that can comfort, reassure, or relax listeners.

  10. Abrasive: A harsh, grating voice that may be perceived as aggressive, confrontational, or irritating.


[14] Sentence Structure

  1. Simple: A basic sentence structure with a single subject and predicate, often used for clarity or to convey straightforward ideas.

  2. Compound: A sentence structure that combines two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction, showing a connection between related ideas or thoughts.

  3. Complex: A sentence structure that includes an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses, indicating a relationship between main ideas and additional information.

  4. Fragmented: Sentences that are intentionally incomplete or broken up, often used to convey a character's disjointed thoughts or emotional state.

  5. Rambling: Sentences that are long and winding, possibly indicating a character's verbosity or difficulty in organizing their thoughts.

  6. Rhythmic: Sentences that have a distinct and purposeful cadence, which can create a sense of poetic or musical quality in a character's speech.

  7. Elliptical: Sentences that omit certain words or phrases, requiring the reader or listener to infer meaning, often used to create a sense of informality or colloquial speech.

  8. Balanced: Sentences that have a symmetrical structure, often used to emphasize parallel ideas or create a sense of harmony in a character's speech.

  9. Staccato: Sentences that are short and abrupt, often used to convey a sense of urgency, tension, or a character's directness.

  10. Ornate: Sentences that are elaborate and decorated with extensive use of descriptive words, metaphors, or similes, which can indicate a character's flair for language or a highly detailed writing style.


[15] Friends and allies:

a. Childhood friend

b. Mentor

c. Loyal companion

d. Fellow adventurer

e. Business partner

f. Royal protector

g. Secret admirer

h. Trusted informant

i. Magical guardian

j. Long-lost relative


[16] Rivals and enemies:

a. Vengeful nemesis

b. Jealous competitor

c. Betrayed ally

d. Disgraced sibling

e. Ruthless warlord

f. Cunning thief

g. Manipulative sorcerer

h. Scheming noble

i. Fanatical cultist

j. Vindictive ex-lover


[17] Affiliations with organizations:

a. Thieves' Guild

b. Arcane order

c. Knightly brotherhood

d. Assassin's syndicate

e. Druidic circle

f. Merchant's guild

g. Royal court

h. Religious sect

i. Adventurers' league

j. Rebel alliance


[18] Internal Monologue

  1. Self-doubt: "Why did I even think I could pull this off? Everyone else seems so much more competent and confident."

  2. Nostalgia: "The smell of fresh bread always takes me back to Grandma's kitchen, where we spent countless hours baking together."

  3. Resentment: "After everything I've done for him, he still treats me like I don't matter. It's like he doesn't even see me."

  4. Anxiety: "I can't shake this feeling of dread. What if I mess up? What if I'm not good enough?"

  5. Hope: "Maybe this time, things will be different. Maybe I can finally find happiness and peace."

  6. Curiosity: "There's something about her that's intriguing. I can't put my finger on it, but I want to learn more."

  7. Love: "Whenever I'm with them, everything else fades away, and all I can focus on is the warmth of their embrace."

  8. Regret: "I wish I had been more honest with her from the start. Now it's too late, and I'll never know what could have been."

  9. Determination: "I won't let anyone stand in my way. I've come this far, and I'm not giving up now."

  10. Confusion: "I don't understand why he's acting this way. Did I do something wrong, or is there more to the story?"

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