Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game that can provide endless hours of fun and adventure for players. One of the key aspects of being a DM is to prepare for each session, which involves reviewing the previous session, preparing notes, and creating a session template. In this blog, we will discuss how to prepare for a D&D session, and how to create a ChatGPT session template.
ChatGPT and Midjourney completely changes how a DM runs their campaign sessions. It enables extreme flexibility while continuing to provide a deep immersive experience for the players.
I recently ran a game in Skullport, deep in Undermountain, using the DM's Assistant and it worked really well. Prior to the session I fed into ChatGPT all of my notes about Skullport, Undermountain, key NPC's and their motivations. This trains ChatGPT on what is going on in your session. Brilliant!
What is the DM's Assistant?
It is a chrome plugin created by AIPRM for ChatGPT that allows you, the dungeon master to train ChatGPT on your past and current D&D sessions. This allows you in real-time to generate location descriptions, NPC's, items, dialog and so much more.
Here is what the input looks like. It is asking you for your session details.

Here are the steps that I did to prepare for the session.
Reviewed Previous Session Notes
Summarize Upcoming Session Details
Created a DM's Assistant ChatGPT Template with a Google Doc
Pasted the Template Content into The Dungeon Masters Assistant AIPRM in ChatGPT
Ran my Session Using the Template
How to get access to the assistant?
Step 2: Build a ChatGPT Template >>
I use the AIPRM Dungeon Masters Assistant, it is a Chrome Extension for ChatGPT.
Here are the steps in detail
1. Review Previous Session
Before starting to prepare for the upcoming session, it is essential to review the previous session. This will help you remember where the players left off, what they accomplished, and any important details that they might have missed. Pay attention to the player characters (PCs) and how they interacted with each other and with the non-player characters (NPCs).
2. Preparing Your Notes
Once you have reviewed the previous session, it's time to start preparing your notes for the upcoming session. This will involve creating a session template that includes details on what happened last session, anything relevant to the PCs, notes on the NPCs, and notes on the current session. Start by outlining the main objectives for the session, including any story developments or significant events that will take place. This will help you keep the session on track and ensure that you cover all of the important details.
3. Create a ChatGPT Session Template - Check Out an Example >>
To create a ChatGPT session template, start by providing an overview of the previous session as well as any details around the upcoming session. Such as locations, NPCs, history, laws, factions etc. This will help ChatGPT understand the context of the upcoming session and make more accurate suggestions.
I. Overview of Previous Session (This is a bulleted list or paragraph)
Summary of the main events and objectives
Any important details about the player characters and NPCs
Usually I start with "In the previous session the PC's visited the Skullport Market where the shopped at these key merchants..., they then explored The Flagon and the Dragon where they met Calal Caladani, then they..."
II. Description and Background of where the PC's are currently located
This should be robust. For example I put in an overview of Skullport, the important factions, current happenings, a description of the town, local NPCs, key locations and buildings and current happenings.
Location Name(s) & Description(s)
Interesting Facts
Description of Area
Current Happenings
III. Non-Player Characters (NPCs) - provide a list of current NPCs or have it generate a list.
Names, personalities, and any relevant information
Any upcoming or potential interactions with the PCs
4. In-Game Session: Using the Template
In the recent session that I ran, I used ChatGPT to generate an entire market, the description of the area, 10 different stalls, their wares, the people who run them and the items that they have for sale.
I also use ChatGPT to generate dialog between the vendors and the PCs, giving each vendor a unique speech pattern, and common sayings.
Here is a list of ways I use ChatGPT.
Descriptions of places
Generate a quick NPC background and motivation
Create a list of interesting items, what they look like and their abilities
Create a list of library books, their titles, contents and abilities
Generate a Bard song
Write a riddle
Generate a quick side quest using 5 Room Dungeons by John Four
Here are ways that I communicate with The DM's Assistant in ChatGPT.
Write Dialog: Pretend you are [insert NPC Name] and the PC's asked you this question. Give me 5 potential responses in old English, being sarcastic.
Generate Shops, Libraries, Laboratories, Merchant Stalls and Items: Create for me 5 merchants that you would find in Skullport. Their wares that they are selling, the name of the merchant, mannerisms, appearance, and speech patterns. Then list out 10 items that they are selling, a short description and any abilities.
Describe Rooms: Describe for me the nobles bedroom, the height, how it is adorned and the furnishings that you will find. Make it high quality from the Victorian era.
Create Engaging NPC's: I use the Non Player Character NPC generator in AIPRM.
In summary, preparing for D&D session involves reviewing the previous session, preparing your notes, and creating a ChatGPT session template. By taking the time to prepare and plan ahead, you can create an immersive and engaging experience for your players that will keep them coming back for more. Happy adventuring!