1000 Questions Framework
A diverse list of questions to help create a complete world.
1000 Questions: Page 2
Questions on Death and Funerary Customs
What is their understanding of death and dying?
What does this society do with their corpses?
What customs surround death and burial?
How are dead bodies disposed of?
Are there lands set aside for burying grounds, are dead bodies cremated or left to be eaten by scavenging birds?
Is the family responsible for the body or are there specialised craftsmen that handle corpses?
What part do the priests or other clerics play?
Are bodies buried in the ground or in caves or catacombs?
Does each family have a crypt with all their relatives gathered together?
Do people visit the dead?
If so, how often and what is done while visiting?
Are the dead feared, revered, or ignored?
Questions on Unnatural Death: Suicide, Abortion & Exposure, Murder, Killing, Judicial Slaying
What views do people in this culture have about suicide?
Is it the greatest sin one can commit or is it seen as a civic duty under certain circumstances?
Or is it even a sin at all -- is it the great and last comfort of a tormented soul?
Is it worse than murder?
Abortion & Exposure
Under what circumstances might an infant be aborted in utero or exposed after birth?
Are such killings viewed as legal or moral?
What features might mark an infant for abortion or exposure?
What circumstances surrounding the infant's conception, gestation or birth might mark the infant for abortion or exposure?
Are such children ever rescued, and under what circumstances might this happen?
Murder & Killing
Is there a distinction to be made between a planned murder and an accidental or incidental killing?
If so, how is this reflected in cultural lore, the justice & penal systems?
Are either ever justifiable or even outright permissible?
Judicial Slaying
Is the execution of convicted criminals permitted?
What laws must be broken to warrant such a punishment?
What forms does this punishment take?
Who carries out the sentence, and is it done in open or in secret?
Questions on Education
Describe the education of the society's people: is there formal schooling, apprenticeship, etc.
If education is mainly by apprenticeship, how is this accomplished?
Is education compulsory or voluntary?
Are educational opportunities open to everyone?
What is the cost of education?
Between which ages does education happen?
How are academic curricula and years arranged?
What is the typical courses of study?
What degrees or diplomas are offered?
Does this society have its own language?
Its own writing system?
How common is literacy?
How is literacy understood as a continuum within society?
Is universal or selective literacy a goal of society?
What form and value are books?
Who decides who learns to read or write?
Are foreigners ever brought in to teach new skills?
How educated is an average person living in this region, and what does this education consist of?
Is it enough to be able to count and do sums; to be able to read a little bit?
Who are the most and least educated people in society?
Are there schoolhouses in every town, or do people travel if they want to be educated?
Are there universities or colleges?
Are there private tutors?
What things are considered absolutely necessary for a noble or other well to do class of people to know?
What must a tradesman or a peasant learn to function in society?
Questions on Daily Life
City Life
Does a city's layout reflect some particular philosophy, such as that the ruler of the city must be at the center or at the highest point or at the most strategic location within the city?
Are practical consideration such as the confluence of rivers or trade routes of greater import?
Are cities planned and laid out or do they grow in a more organic fashion?
Are there public or private parks in cities?
How wide are the boulevards, streets and alleys?
What are the chief landmarks in a typical city?
Where are the interesting neighborhoods in town: the districts worth visiting and those worth avoiding at all costs?
Do neighborhoods, wards, roads, courts and alleys have names?
How are houses or shops addressed?
How can an unfamiliar visitor find a location?
Where do people go to shop, eat, have fun, worship or visit culturally significant places?
What sorts of goods, foods & entertainments are available in large cities that are not available in the country or smaller towns?
What are houses in the city like: their size, layout, manner of construction and available ammenities?
When might a city house be abandoned by its inhabitants?
Country Life
What is the composition of the rural landscape: small farmsteads; semi-independent manors; vast latifundia?
Are peasants, farmers, yeomen or serfs tied to their land by law or custom, or can they move from place to place or even to a town if they desire?
Can they own their farms and property, or is all land held "in common" or is it rented from a lord or landholder?
Given the state of roads and transportation, how much food is it possible to ship to a given location before it spoils?
Are rural areas primarily farms, forests, grazing meadows, or waste land?
In outlying areas where there aren't many people, how many roads are there, who builds them, and to what standards are they built and who maintains them?
How reliable is the weather from year to year -- is crop production relatively dependable, or do people have to cope with regular famines due to drought or floods?
What kinds of catastrophic weather are common -- tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, waterspouts, dust storms, thaumic typhoons and how do people cope with them?
How are agricultural areas divided up between the different races of people?
What kinds of conflicts are likely to result when two or more groups' territories & interests intersect?
What kinds of rights over land, crops, game, etc. does a landowner have?
Is poaching a problem?
What are houses in the country like: size, layout, manner of construction, ammenities available?
When might a country house or farm be abandoned by its inhabitants?
Matters of Daily Life
What are accepted norms of personal hygiene: do most people bathe regularly, or is bathing considered a health hazard?
How is rubbish and other waste material disposed of?
What kinds of furniture are in common use?
What is furniture like in design, shape and decoration; and what is it usually made of?
Are certain articles of furniture reserved for high-status individuals?
In what ways does furniture design reflect the customs and lifestyle of the people?
What are the plumbing and sanitary systems like; and how reliable are they?
How do they differ between country and city?
How do people cope with various domestic disasters like fire, floods, tornadoes and the like?
How common are such disasters?
How early do people get up in the morning?
Are clocks common, or do people tell time by the sun or by listening for church or town-hall bells or some other public alarm?
Technology & Thaumology: Craft and Magic in Partnership
Questions on the Technological Level of the World and its Regions
Are philosophy and science unified, or do they exist as separate and independent disciplines?
What devices and technologies are available for ordinary people's use?
Are such devices taken for granted?
What sorts of devices or technologies are available for a limited, priviledged sector of society?
How is the knowledge base of this culture distributed?
Is it freely available to all, or are certain segments kept hidden from the uninitiated?
What is the level of technology in this society comparable to -- stone age, bronze age, iron age, silicon age or some combination of eras?
What is the basis of technology: agrarian, manufacturing, military?
What important inventions or advances have been made; which ones are about to be made?
Have any of these inventions reached the point of affecting the daily life of the average person, or are they absurdly rare curiosities?
What inventions or advances have not been made that you would normally expect to see at this stage of technological development?
How much is known about the laws of nature, be they physics, magic, chemistry, etc.?
How much of what is commonly known and assumed to be correct turns out in fact to be quite wrong?
Is there a scientific or philosophical method used to arrive at an understanding of the facts of nature?
Where is research done: universities, private laboratories, under the auspices of the ruler or government or religious institution?
In what areas might magic replace technology, and thus perhaps suppress its development?
Or are science, technology and magic wedded together?
Questions on Magic
What is the nature of magic in this world?
Where does magic power come from?
Is magic an exhaustible resource?
If a magician must feed his spells with his own willpower, life-force, or sanity, what long-term effects will this have on the health and/or stability of the magician?
What can magic not do: what are the limits to magical power?
How do magicians try to get around these limitations?
What is the price magicians must pay in order to work magic?
Is there a difference between miracles and magic?
If so, how are they distinguished?
What is needed in order to cast a spell; and are there different ways of obtaining a similar end?
What kinds of paraphernalia, such as staffs, wands, crystal balls, skelletons of animals suspended from the ceiling, are required for the proper working of magic?
How do wizards obtain these things?
Do they make their own or buy them from craftsmen, inherit them from their teachers, or order them from a supply shop?
Can two or more wizards combine their power to cast a stronger spell, or is magic done only by individuals?
What makes one wizard more powerful than another?
What general varieties of magic are practiced, e.g., herbal, ritual, alchemical, demonology, necromancy?
Does one particular variety of magic work better than others?
Are there quack forms of magical practice?
Are certain kinds of magic practiced solely or chiefly by one sex or another?
By one race or another?
Does a magician's magical ability or power change over time -- e.g., growing stronger or weaker during puberty, or with increasing age?
Can a magician "use up" all of his magic, thus ceasing to be a magician and what might he do after?
Can the ability to do magic be lost or taken away?
Are wizards organized or hierarchical?
What happens when the person at the top dies; who takes over and how is this determined?
Are magicians a force in politics or religion?
Are there national policies that revolve around or involve magic in some way?
Are wizards above or below the law -- or are they a law unto themselves?
Do they have full rights as citizens, no rights, or can they do as they like without regard to anyone else's rights?
Are there statutes, constabularies and law courts that handle thaumic crimes?
How does magic and the people who practice it figure into the power or international prestige of a country?
Is a magician's lifetime normally longer or shorter than the average?
And does this vary for the different races?
Are there races all of whose members are magic users?
Are there fashions or fads in magic?
Are there certain kinds of magic or particular spells that are illegal to practice?
If a wizard casts such a spell and is found out, how would such a criminal magician be detected in the first place; how might he be apprehended, tried & punished?
Is the catching and punishing of lawbreaking magicians the responsibility of the guild, or do the ordinary courts have to handle it?
What effects have magic had on ordinary technology?
Are the two married into a single discipline, or is magic above or otherwise insufficient to manipulate ordinary technology?
Are there thaumological means of transportation such as thaumically motivated waggons or airships?
How do they compare in speed, safety and expense to non-magical means?
Are there any drawbacks to thaumological travel?
How commonly are such methods used, and for what purposes?
Are there thaumological means of rapid communication?
Of waging wars?
Can ordinary objects be enchanted to make them (or their users) supremely good at something, like a Sauce Pan of Gourmet Cookery?
How common and useful are such enchantments?
Do they endure indefinitely or does their efficacy wear off?
Are there especially constructed thaumological devices that serve (for better or worse) the purpose of a device of ordinary technology?
To what degree does the presence of magic, enchanted objects, and wizards in general replace technology?
Is technology frequently duplicated or merely supplemented?
Is daily life made demonstrably better or worse or simply more perilous by thaumology and magic?
Can spells and/or magical items be mass-produced?
Are there magic carpet factories and boutiques selling magic rings, or must such devices be individually crafted?
Can spells and/or magical items be used to increase the efficiency of manufacturing or mass production?
Do businesses keep a wizard on retainer the way a business might keep a lawyer on staff?
If so, what, exactly, are they paying for?
Questions on Agriculture
What are the primary crops of a given region?
Are any grown mainly for export?
What crops can not be grown in a particular region because of the soil, climate, or for other reasons?
What are the most commonly grown food crops?
What are the most commonly raised livestock animals for meat or milk or motive power?
What level has agrarian understanding achieved? -- slash & burn; passive gardening; active farming; crop rotation; advanced fertilisers, hydroponics & genetic manipulation?
Questions on Architecture
What major architectural styles are present?
What do buildings look like?
How does this vary over time and between places in the region?
What are typical buildings like inside and out?
What are typical floor plans like -- can people afford to waste space on hallways, or do they just have a series of rooms opening into other rooms?
Are buildings normally built square, triangular, domed?
Above ground or in ground?
How much use is made of natural spaces like caves or hills?
How tall a building can be constructed at a reasonable cost and in a reasonable time and without collapsing?
What materials are used in typical construction?
What materials have to be imported and from how far away are the locals willing to obtain those materials?
How are buildings constructed?
Are there construction machines or is work done by hand?
What are some famous landmarks in the region and why are they famous?
How many people usually live in a typical house?
How large or small is a typical house?
What are the differences in materials, construction and appearance of houses between the several classes & races of society?
How are buildings decorated?
Are there differences of ornamentation depending on the purpose of the building?
How common are windows and what do people use to cover windows necessary for ventilation and light?
How are living quarters arranged?
Are bedrooms on the top floors for privacy or on the ground floor for convenience?
Are parlors or libraries common?
How are houses heated & cooled?
Are wars and insurrections common enough that castles and cities are built with an eye to military defense first and appearance later, or are palaces and walless towns the rule?
Questions on Locomotion, Transport & Communications
How do people travel from one place to another?
What kinds of vehicles are available in this region?
Do individuals or families own and use their own vehicles?
What are the common domesticated animals used for locomotion & transportation at various levels of society?
Are certain animals preferred by certain industries?
For traveling short distances within a city, what are the alternatives?
Can people hire a cab, a litter, a rickshaw, or do they have to walk or rely on their own servants or horses?
Is there any kind of public transportation system and how well is a typical city or town served?
Do people make long journeys?
If so, for what purposes & what are they like?
What are the roads like?
How do they vary from place to place?
How safe, clean & reliable are the various methods of transport?
What major fuels are used?
How available is water for transport?
Are there good canals, or navigable rivers?
How reliable is water transport and how dangerous or expensive?
How common is individual travel (for any reason)?
Does the concept of travel "to see the world," i.e. as a tourist, even exist?
How dangerous is travel; and how large a group would be considered safe to travel with?
Do coaching services provide security?
How much traffic is there inside and outside the main cities?
Which areas are best/worst?
What is the fastest means of traveling long distances over land, water, under the ground or through the air?
What is road transportation like?
Are there good roads?
Who built them?
Who is responsible for maintaining them?
Are there railways or trams?
Are there dedicated military or post roads or are all roadways open for public use?
Where would a traveler stay at night?
Are there enough travelers to support inns, or do people have to stay with a conveniently located farm or monastery?
Are some classes of people such as slaves or serfs not expected to travel at all?
And are some people such as heralds or messengers expected to travel constantly?
Are such official travellers accorded any particular respect, even by highwaymen or ruffians?
Apart from face to face, how do people communicate with each other?
Is there a postal service?
How fast is it?
How much does it cost to use?
What restrictions are there on packet delivery?
Does the post operate internationally?
How likely is it that an article sent in the post will reach its intended destination if within the province or same country?
How likely if sent abroad?
What technical or mechanical means of communications exist?
How are messages sent when necessary?
How fast does news spread point A to point B?
News and Information
How do people find out what is happening in the world?
Are there equivalents of the rumor mill or water cooler; or more official means such as a town crier, newspapers, tele and radio?
How slanted is the news people receive by these means, and in what direction?
Is there freedom of the press, or are the media owned or controlled by the state?
Who controls and censors the news and by what means and what is their agenda?
What materials are used to make newspapers, broadsheets and books?
Is the written word transmitted via some kind of printing, or are all written communications hand written?
How are books produced and are they common?
What kinds of scribal technologies or techniques are in use in this region?
Where are the great libraries or collections of books, scrolls, codices & manuscripts?
How accessible are they to scholars, wizards, monks and the general public?
Who supports them?
Part V: Economics
Questions on Money
What forms of currency exist?
What is the local currency like? -- i.e., paper money, metal coins, large immobile stones set up in the forum, tallies stored in the local banking offices?
Is currency and coinage standardized, or is there a system of exchange?
What are typical denominations?
What types of currency is a traveler or merchant likely to carry on a trip?
What are different coins called, and what are they worth?
How is currency exchange handled, and by whom?
What is the local currency based on: metal, labour, fiat?
How does it compare to other neighbouring currencies?
How has the value of the currency changed or fluctuated recently?
Who is responsible for coinage: the ruler, local barons, local merchant guilds?
Are there generally acceptable standards?
How easy or difficult is it to counterfeit the currency, and if caught, what punishments do conterfeiting bring?
How are coins and notes produced?
How common are forgeries?
How is wealth distributed?
Is there a public banking system?
Who uses it?
What benefits does it bring and at what cost?
Is there a large gap between the wealth of the rich and poor?
What expectations do each group have from the other?
What constitutes "poverty" in this society and also "wealth"?
Questions on Trade & Commerce
What is the local economy based on?
How is commerce engaged in?
If levied, how are taxes collected?
What are such revenues used for?
How does taxation affect the people?
What does this country import and export?
How important is trade to the economy?
What trade routes, commercial & trade relationships and economic activity exist in this region?
Is there a lingua franca or trade language that facilitates commerce between countries that don't speak the same tongue?
Is there an universal language spoken by educated or noble persons, as a matter of philosophical or scientific communications?
What does this country import & export?
How important is trade to the economy?
Why did people settle in this country in the first place -- strategic location, trade route, water transport, minerals, good farming, etc.?
Have things changed much since, or do they still depend on whatever brought them in the first place?
How much do official attitudes toward other countries affect commerce and trade?
Do merchants pretty much ignore tensions between government as long as they can make a profit, or will this get them into trouble?
Are there Customs inspectors or their equivalents at border crossings?
Is the export/import of some technologies/magics/commodities regulated by the government, or by non-governmental cartels?
How does this affect political relationships between countries?
How is business organized?
Are there trade unions?
Guild structures?
Multi-state corporations?
International cartels?
Are people able to cross-craft, .i. learn or perform different trades?
Does cross-crafting require guild permission, a writ from an overlord, or is it automatically guaranteed by law?
How rigid are craft laws: e.g. are carpenters the only people allowed to build houses?
What types of trades would be represented in a small town or large city?
Are industrial processes (e.g., swordsmithing, weaving, etc.) considered "trade secrets," or are they common knowledge?
What is the process a young person goes through to enter a craft or trade?
Are the requirements for various ranks, such as apprentice, journeyman & master standardized, or does rank depend more on the good favor of guildmaster than it does on skill?
Do different regions or cities specialize in specific crafts, processes, or products (e.g. Damascus steel, Bordeaux wines, Chinese silk, Wisconsin cheese)?
Do different races specialize is some crafts?
What regulations, if any, has the government placed on business practices?
Are there antimonopoly laws?
Are there standardized systems of weights and measures, or does a merchant have to specify "a London bushel" of grain rather than "a York bushel"?
How do differing systems affect shipping and trade?
Are any new industries developing?
Which old ones do they compete with or make obsolete?
How are records kept: tally sticks, quipu, parchment or paper ledgers, clay tablets, beads?
Is there a merchant class?
Where do they fit in society?
Are there trading guilds?
If so, how are they organized?
How much power do they have to control trade?
How much infighting is there among them?
Are there trading organizations that transcend countries, like the Hanseatic League?
How large a presence do they have locally?
Is this a money-based economy, or barter or gift based?
What goods are commonly available in small town markets vs larger towns and cities?
How do goods get to market?
What industries -- mining, fishing, shipbuilding, lumber, farming, manufacturing, etc. -- are important, and in which areas?
Which depend on materials from other areas (as shipbuilding on wood, or weaving on wool)?
What happens if supplies are disrupted?
How much smuggling goes on?
What gets smuggled and, whither and whence?
Describe any kind of division of labour, such as into physical versus mental versus spiritual.
Is there any especial prestige attached to some category of labour or a particular job?
What jobs are considered mucky or are particularly depreciated?
What professions or activities are considered masculine?
What professions or activities are viewed as feminine?
What are usual working hours?
Are there days of rest or holidays?
How does this differ between different jobs?
What jobs have few workers and why?
What are typical wages for various jobs?
How does work affect lifestyle and health?
What sort of jobs are preferred by which people?
Are some jobs denied to certain groups?
What are the ethical oaths or codes that govern various jobs?
Is there a difference in ethics between manual and mental or spiritual work?
Tools of the Trade
These are the key tools that I use to create, manage, and run my RPG sessions
As a large language model, ChatGPT processes natural language input and generates human-like responses to facilitate conversation and provide information to users.
​Midjourney is an independent research lab that produces an artificial intelligence program under the same name that creates images from textual descriptions, similar to OpenAI's DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.
Game Master Platform is a story first AI enabled intelligent platform that allows GMs to create, build, mange, and run their campaigns.