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1000 Questions Framework

A diverse list of questions to help create a complete world.

1000 Questions: Page 1

Part I: The Fundamentals of the World

Questions on the World Itself
  • What is this invented world called?

  • What kind of world is this?

  • Is it Earth, an Earth-like world, an alternate history Earth a completely alien planet?

  • If it is an A-H, what is the specific historical point of departure (POD) where this world split off from the history of the primary world?

    • How long ago did this happen; how much has changed and will continue to change as a result?

  • If this planet is not Earth, how does it differ physically from Earth? -- is it of comparable size and composition or quite different?

    • Comparable density, gravity, ratio of land to water, atmosphere, etc.?

  • Are there any satellites, rings, unsuspected alien satellites or the like?

  • How many suns are there?

  • How many other planets in the system?

  • Are there spectacular constellations, comets, nebulae or other astronomical phenomena visible at night or even by day?

Questions on Geology & Climate
  • Describe the climate this society deals with. How severe are their seasons?

  • What kinds of natural disasters has this society gotten used to?

  • If there is more than one moon or sun, how does this affect winds, tides, and weather generally?

  • Are the axial tilt and orbit comparable to those of Earth -- i.e., does the world have similar seasons and length of year as Earth?

  • How old is the planet and its parent star?

  • How geologically active is this planet?

  • How are the continents laid out?

  • How much land is there, and how much of it is habitable?

  • How much land is in each of the equatorial, temperate, and polar zones?

  • How have peoples' activities affected climate & landscape in various regions?

  • Where are major mountain ranges, rivers and lakes, deserts, forests, jungles, grasslands and plains?

Questions on Ecology: Natural Resources, Flora, Fauna & Sophonts

Natural Resources
  • What is this region's most abundant resource?

  • What is its most valuable resource?

  • What resource is it most lacking?

  • Which natural resources, if any, have been depleted over time?

  • Is there usually enough food and water for the population?

  • How has the location and availability of natural resources affected relationships between peoples? -- are there conflicts over limited resources or active, peaceful trade?

  • What water resources available, and for what uses are they put?

  • Which areas have the most fertile farmland?

  • Where are mineral resources located?

Flora, the Plants, Fungi & Similar
  • What are the most common domesticated plants here? What are they used for?

  • For how long a period of time have people been domesticating and propagating plantlife?

  • Are people actively seeking to breed plants for specific traits or purposes?

  • How hardy or fragile are the domesticated plants considering their yield in food or other useful materials?

  • What are the most common wild plants here and what are they used for?

  • Do any of the plantlife pose serious threats to people, animals or other plants?

Fauna, the Beasts & Animals
  • Which animals, birds, fish, and other wildlife are commonly found in which areas?

  • What are the most common domesticated animals here and what are they domesticated for?

  • What are the most common wild beasts?

  • How are wild animals treated?

  • Which animals are likely to be pets & which ones won't be?

  • If there are animals such as dragons or unicorns or megafauna such as sivatherium or mastadon or deinotherium, where do they live and how do they fit into the ecology?

  • What do they eat and how much habitat do they require?

  • Can they live nearly anywhere, or do they prefer or need specific kinds of climate or terrain?

  • Are there intelligent animals, perhaps nearing the threshold of awareness and personhood?

Sophonts: Races of People, Spirit Beings, Angelic and Divine Beings

  • Are there different races of sophonts on this planet or only one and has this always been the case?

  • How are living beings that are persons differentiated from living beings that are not persons?

  • Can one's status change: .i. from non-person to person or vice versa?

  • What are the other races called?

  • How long have there been people on this world?

  • Did they evolve here, or were they created here or did they arrive in some manner from elsewhere?

  • If there are several sophont races, how numerous are they and in what proportions are they to each other?

  • How openly present are they? -- do some hide themselves away from others, or do they not care whether their existence is known by others?

  • What regions do they prefer to occupy?

  • How diverse is the population of this country by race and ethnicity?

  • How does the cultural and ethnic diversity of this otherworld compare to the primary world?

Ecology and Natural Resources
Geology and Climate
Sophants: Races, Spirits, Divine
The Oecumene

Part II: The Oecumene

Questions on Geography
  • Describe the geography of where this society calls home.

  • What importance, spiritual or cultural, do people ascribe to the geography?

  • How do people feel about local landscapes being altered or used for a purpose other than what is traditional or natural?

  • Where in this land do they congregate?

  • What parts of this place do they avoid?

Civilization & Population
  • Where did civilisation begin and how long ago?

  • Into what directions did civilisation spread?

  • How has its development been affected by the presence of magic, different sophont races, and the direct or indirect action of the gods or other great powers?

  • What is the population of this country and what percentage of world population does this represent?

  • How many people live in a small village, large town, or city?

  • What natural features mark the borders?

  • Who are the neighboring countries & peoples and what are they like?

  • Why did people settle in this country in the first place -- strategic location, trade route, water transport, minerals, good farmland?

  • How much has their situation changed since their first immigration, or has life changed little for them?

  • Is population shifting from rural to urban or mountains to coast?

  • Are the migrants being affected by war or plague or economic opportunity?

  • What effects has this had on the places being left behind and also by the places gaining people?

Time & Calendar
  • Is there a single, generally accepted calendar and system of reckoning time, or do different countries or peoples or races have different calendars?

  • How is the day divided into smaller time units?

  • What are the names of the various units of time and how are they named?

  • Is the length of an hour fixed, or does it vary depending on changes in the length of the day as the seasons change?

  • What are the names of days, fortnights, months, years, decades, centuries and how many days or other subdivisions are in each?

  • How well in synch is the calendar with astronomical reality?

  • Are there leap years, and if so, who keeps track of them?

  • Which days are holidays or festival times?

  • What do people celebrate and what holidays are there that are only celebrated in particular countries, cities, or regions

  • From what point of origin does the calendar begin?

  • Do they use a singular event such as the creation of the world, the beginning of a great dynasty or recurring events such as the terms in office of a ruler or consul or the numbered year of a dynasty or republic?

  • How do people tell what time it is?

  • Are there mechanical clocks, pocket watches, sundials, sand or water clocks or thaumological timepieces?

  • Do people simply listen for bells from the palace or church, or just eyeball the location of the sun?

  • Are there any extracalendrical periods of time?

  • How did these originate and how are these times customarily observed?

Questions on History
  • How far back does this society's written and oral history go

  • How far back do its people believe it goes?

  • How widely known are these stories?

  • Do average people believe the old tales, or do they dismiss even some that have a basis in fact?

  • How was this society founded; who founded it and under what circumstances?

  • What were the chief powers in the time when this society was founded?

  • If it originated far away from its present location, how did it get here?

  • What is the worst disaster they believe they've faced?

  • What are the major events in this culture's past?

  • What was the best thing that ever happened to them; what was their greatest moment?

  • What in their past makes them feel ashamed and do they speak of it or hide it?

  • What are they afraid might happen again?

  • What are they hoping will happen in the future and do they think it likely to happen?

  • How strongly are people attached or connected to their heritage?

  • Who in the past are the greatest heroes and the worst villains?

  • Do people think the present better or worse than the past?

  • Do people believe the future will be better or worse than the present or past?

  • Which peoples are considered the most and least civilized?

  • Which are most and least technologically or thaumologically advanced?

Questions on Race, Ethnicity & Constitution

Races of People
  • What are the chief races of sophonts in the region?

  • What do they look like and what are their most distinguishing features and characteristics?

  • What is their range of appearance: e.g., colour of hair or eyes or skin, height, build, and the like?

  • How are they related to one another?

  • Do they acknowledge any kinship or do they see one another as enemies or rivals?

  • Are there any physical, psychic or magical powers particular to this race?

  • What are the chief ethnic groups of each race in the region?

  • How are they distributed in place?

  • How do they differ by language, appearance or ancestry?

  • What jobs do the majority ethnicities primarily occupy?

  • Are any groups of people denied work because of racial or ethnic heritage?

  • What are typical attitudes of the native (or majority) ethnos to immigrants or travellers of other ethnicities?

  • How has the variety of ethnicities in the region altered social structure and culture of the country?

  • How are native minority ethnicities treated by the majority?

  • How are foreign ethnicities treated by the locals?

  • What is the average life expectancy of each race?

  • How does this differ between different regions, races or ethnicities?

  • What do people generally look like?

  • Would a blonde, redhead or brunette stand out in a crowd?

  • Would a very tall or very short person stand out?

  • Is there sufficient variety of peoples in this region so that it is considered ordinary to encounter people from other races?

  • How healthy, generally speaking, are members of a particular race or ethnicity -- hearty, sickly, prone falling prey to some disease or malady?

  • How many languages are there and which ones are related

  • Do speakers of a given language tend to borrow words rapaciously or is there some means by which foreign words are expunged from the language?

  • Are some or all people multilingual?

  • Is there a common language many people of different backgrounds use?

  • Is it a creole or is it the native language of a dominant group or even the language of an imperial overlord?

  • Are there "secret" languages or codes known only by priests, soldiers, wizards, guild members, street urchins?

  • What are they like and how did they develop?

  • What are the variations in speech patterns, syntax, and slang from one social class, one trade, one region and one race to another?

  • Describe some local slang, colorful turns of phrase & curse words that people use.

  • What things in this culture would their language have many specific words for?

  • What do the people in this culture consider important enough to name and what does this say about the way they look at the world?

  • What things would people of this culture not have specific names for, or else have one word that covers numerous variations?

  • What do they consider too unimportant to name and how does this affect the way they see the world?

  • Are there words that must never be spoken except at particular times, in ceremonies, or under particular circumstances?

  • Are there words that must not be spoken before guests?

  • Do these words differ from culture to culture or race to race?

Race, Ethnicity

Part III. The Community

Questions on Family
  • What is considered a family?

  • How extended is an extended family?

  • How important are family connections and responsibilities?

  • How many spouses may a man or woman have?

  • Who decides on a marriage?

  • Can a marriage end in divorce and how would this work?

  • Who usually takes custody of children if a marriage ends for some reason?

  • How are families named?

  • What happens to orphans?

  • How are boy and girl children treated differently?

  • What, if anything, is considered a good marriage gift?

  • Does this society connect the ideas of marriage with love?

  • How big are families, typically?

  • What constitutes a household?

  • How many people live in one household?

  • How many generations?

  • Which members are expected to leave, and why and when?

  • What determines succession and inheritance?

  • What types of marriages and sexual relationships are required, encouraged, allowed, and prohibited?

  • What are the patterns of childcare?

  • Which member of the household cares for the children in what ways?

  • What is the division of labor among gender and generational lines within the household?

  • Are girls or boys preferred and why?

  • How common or rare is domestic violence?

  • Is this understood to be a problem, or a normal aspect of family life?

  • If it is seen as problematic, what is being done about it?

Questions on Customs and Social Life
  • How is society divided into ranks or hierarchies?

  • What social classes or divisions exist in this society?

  • Are people able to move from one social class to another?

  • Are there any benefits to being of one class over another?

  • What are the various ranks and titles and their proper forms of address?

  • Which occupations are respected and which are looked down upon?

  • How firm are the divisions between social classes?

  • Is it considered beneath dignity for a noble to engage in trade or for a warrior to help with the harvest?

  • How difficult is it to rise or fall from one social level to another?

  • How much social mobility is there in fact compared to how much people believe there is?

  • In what ways do weather & climate contribute to the habits or customs of this culture?

  • What colors are associated with power, with virtue and with death?

  • If two men get into a fight, how is this supposed to be resolved?

  • If two women get into a fight, how should that be resolved?

  • How do people demonstrate grief?

  • How are matters of inheritance resolved when wealth, property, land, titles and position or office are involved?

  • Is society segregated an any way?

  • Is there any discrimination against or oppression of some groups be they racial, ethnic or religious in this society?

  • How independent or codependent are individuals?

  • What genders are biologically ordained and socially constructed?

  • What are the typical roles of individuals of different genders?

  • What are the expectations of children?

  • Does the government play a large part in individuals' lives?

  • Does religion play a large part in individuals' lives?

  • In what ways has this society changed and do people make any importance of this change?

The Place of Myths & Folklore in Society
  • What are the most popular stories about the past?

  • Do average people believe old tales, or do they dismiss some that have a basis in fact?

  • What place do various kinds of traditional story have in this society?

  • Are they the primary means of passing on everything a young person needs to learn, or is folklore being pushed aside & replaced by "proper" science and history?

  • Or is the folklore itself come to be "proper" in its own right?

  • What's in a name?

  • Are names for things mere matters of identification or are there deeper meanings?

  • Are concepts other than people named, as well?

  • How are ethnonyms formed?

  • How are individual people named?

  • What constitutes an individual's name?

  • And what of toponymy, the names of places and geographical features?

  • Are towns & cities and woodlands & fields named?

  • And what of hydronymy, the names of bodies of water?

  • And what of oronymy, the names of mountains?

  • Are streets, roads, highways named?

  • Do rivers, railways, power lines, canals, mountain chains, roads & highways that pass through different jurisdictions & even different countries keep one name, or do names change from place to place?

  • Are private houses (mansions or cottages) and public buildings (schools, churches, temples, libraries, markets) named?

  • Are animals given individual names? What sorts of animals might be given a name and which are not?

  • Are vehicles or tools or weapons named?

  • Do names convey any kind of power over a thing or are they mere labels?

  • What rites or ceremonies pertain to naming someone or something?

  • Can one change one's own name?

  • Can one confer a new name, or a nickname on oneself or others?

Questions on Sex
  • How does this society define incest & rape; and how do people react to these events?

  • What secret vices are believed to be widely practiced?

  • What secret vices actually are being practiced?

  • What sexual habits are widely believed common among foreigners?

  • What sexual acts or behaviours are considered unnatural, and how do people react to them?

  • Are premarital or extramarital sexual relations allowed?

  • How is adultery defined?

  • What, if any, is the punishment and how is it decided to be an offence?

  • Is prostitution legal?

  • How are prostitutes viewed by people and are their views accurate?

  • What is the greatest sexual tabu?

  • What does this society mean by the word "virgin" and how important is it?

  • Is sex confined to marriage, or, is it even supposed to be?

  • What constitutes aberrant sexual behavior?

  • Are there any cultural or religious strictures, norms or tabus that specifically address sexual conduct?

  • Are there laws that control or restrict sexual behaviour?

  • At what age is it considered normal to engage in sex?

  • Are there tabus against sex with children?

  • Should sex be a one-to-one experience, or are groups allowed?

  • How much privacy is accorded to sexual activity?

Questions on Food & Drink
  • What does the ordinary diet consist of in this region and how does it differ by social class or occupation?

  • What dishes are considered holiday food and which foods & drinks are associated with particular holidays or times of the year?

  • Describe how daily food is obtained.

  • What foods are staples, commonly eaten every day and does popularity of choice vary?

  • What are typical dishes and specialties of the region?

  • What type of food is the locality or region famous for?

  • What kinds of utensils, cutlery, & cookware, if any, do people use for cooking and eating?

  • Describe the eating arrangements: how is the table or other eating space arranged?

  • Where is the place of honor for a guest?

  • Where do the important members of the household sit or recline?

  • How do people sit when eating?

  • Is there any arrangement by age or dignity of diners?

  • How many and when are the main mealtimes?

  • Are there restaurants, popinas, street vendors or other places where food may be bought in public?

  • Is there a significant risk of food poisoning?

  • How many cases lead to death?

  • Is there understood to be a link between food and poisoning or illness?

  • How much does a typical meal cost, if bought and not grown at home?

  • What foods are considered exotic or expensive?

  • What things, while edible, are never eaten?

  • Are there religious or social norms governing what may and may not be eaten?

  • Are some foods commonly consumed by one race poisonous or revolting to another?

  • How many meals are considered normal in a day?

  • What times of day are they served and in what manner?

  • Which meals are substantial and which are smaller; which are more formal or more relaxed?

  • Are certain foods reserved mainly for a particular meal?

  • What dishes, seasonings, and drinks are considered typical of this area?

  • What foods are considered peasant food?

  • What foods are normally eaten cooked versus raw?

  • What herbs and spices are readily available, and what must be imported?

  • How common or expensive are imported foods and spices?

  • How is food preserved for later use and how reliable are the methods used?

  • When food is in limited supply, is there a scheme of rationing or if not, who gets to continue eating well and who starves?

  • What kinds of drink are most commonly served at meals?

  • What forms of alcoholic drinks exist?

  • Is sanitation good enough for untreated water to be safe to drink?

  • If not, what do people drink instead?

  • Do men & women, parents & children, servants & masters eat separately, or does everyone eat together and how is status displayed at the table?

  • What distinguishes a formal, high-court dinner from an ordinary meal, besides quantity and variety of food?

  • How do high-court manners differ from everyday ones?

  • What is the order of a typical upper-class meal? -- is there a particular starting dish followed in proper order, or are all the dishes brought out at once?

  • Are special arrangements necessary for entertaining guests of different races?

  • How do the eating customs of different races reflect their cultures and biology?

  • How difficult does this make social interaction among the races?

  • Describe the types of food or seasoning that are characteristic of the cuisines of different races & cultures.

Myths and Folklore

Questions on Clothing and Fashion

Body Adornment
  • In what ways do people decorate their bodies?

  • Are tattoos, scarification, piercings or body paint common?

  • What forms do they take?

  • Are they monochromatic or tinted?

  • What kinds of jewelry or accessories are worn on the body?

  • Are hats or scarves or leggings or gloves worn?

  • What colors and combinations of colors are thought to look well or to clash?

  • Do opinions on this vary from race to race?

  • Are weapons of some kind a standard part of dress for any/all segments of society?

  • Are such weapons crafted solely with "utility" in mind or are they so decorative as to be nearly useless?

  • What areas of the body must be covered?

  • Or is clothing more a matter of individual taste?

  • What significance might these kinds of decorations have?

  • How important is fashion to people?

  • How does this vary by individual?

  • If such adornments are not used in this culture, how do people react to outsiders wearing tattoos or piercings, facial hair or cosmetics?

  • What articles of clothing do people habitually wear and how does this vary by season, ethnicity, age, profession, and the like?

  • Describe how the genders dress: what differences & similarities are there between men's and women's clothing and accessories?

  • How is clothing made, in small shops or larger factories?

  • What materials are used most commonly?

  • What materials are intended for special occasions?

  • Is the material be produced locally, or must some or all of it be imported?

  • How much does typical clothing cost?

  • Are certain articles of clothing customary or obligatory for certain occupations and how much variation is allowed?

  • Are there dyes for certain colors, such as purple or indigo that are very rare, making cloth of that color more expensive and/or reserved for nobility or other high-status people?

  • Are there sumptuary laws, defining who can wear what kinds of clothing?

  • How many changes of clothing can a person be expected to own or afford?

  • What are the penalties for breaking these laws?

  • Are there fashions or fads in things besides clothes? -- styles of carriages, furniture, race or gender of household slaves, modes of speech?

  • Are there fashions or fads in magical practice, religious devotion or in other areas of life? -- are herbal spells "in" this year and ritual spells "out," or is that god out while this new religion is in fashion?

  • What is the current fashion in clothing, haberdashery, jewellery, shoes & other accouterments?

  • Do such fashions differ between the races?

  • How marked are the differences in fashion between city and country and from one country to another?

  • How easily do trends in fashion travel across borders?

  • What articles are considered tacky and vulgar, and which are stylish?

  • What physical appearance types and characteristics are currently fashionable? -- tan versus pale skin, the "consumptive look" versus robust good health, fat versus thin, blonde versus brunette?

  • How pervasive is the culture of vanity and how are people who simply can not fit into a fashionable category affected? -- do they suffer along, or try to make up for their perceived deficiencies or do they simply create their own categories of fashion and vanity?

  • How do the fashions of the various races reflect their physiology & culture?

  • How much exchange of these ideas goes on between various races and cultures of the region?

Questions on Manners

  • When meeting someone, what gestures or words are used for greeting?

  • How did the greeting gesture originate?

  • Is there a difference between the greeting offered to an equal and that offered to a superior or an inferior?

  • Is there a difference between the greeting offered a man or a woman or between people of different races?

  • How are two people who have never met normally introduced to one another?

  • What is the order of precedence when there are several people of differing sex or social status or race present, all of whom need to be introduced to each other?

  • Are there classes of people who are never introduced to other classes of people?

  • Are true names significant, and if so, under what circumstances would someone be given another person's true name?

  • Are there customs involving the way in which someone is named when being introduced, such as using full titles at the first meeting, but never repeating them afterward?

  • Is there any difference in the way you greet someone you already know, compared to greeting a stranger?

  • How does someone acknowledge seeing an acquaintance at a distance, for example passing on the other side of the street?

Gestures & Body Language
  • Are gestures and body language in this society generally subtle or obvious?

  • Do people talk with their hands or other appendages, or is that considered vulgar?

  • Is there a way of changing a greeting gesture to make it insulting?

  • What is a comfortable and polite speaking distance for people in this culture and how does this compare with others?

  • How aware are people of these differences and are they well or poorly respected?

  • What gestures are insulting?

  • What do they mean?

  • Do some gestures differ in meaning depending on the culture, race, or era?

  • How do gestures and body language differ between races & cultures?

  • Are there signs that don't matter in one region but that are grave insults in another?

  • What are the ways of showing respect and to whom is one expected to show such respect?

Visiting & Hospitality
  • When a guest arrives, is food or drink offered immediately, after an interval, or only on request?

  • Is there a particular food or drink that is customary to offer a newly arrived guest?

  • Are there questions that must be asked or avoided?

  • Are there topics that can only be raised by the host or the guest?

  • How seriously does the culture take the responsibilities of host and guest?

  • What norms define the host-guest relationship?

  • What things are considered courteous to offer a guest? -- food, reading material, personal guards or attendants, music, entertainment, a person of the opposite sex to sleep with?

  • What is considered a courteous response to a host's offer?

  • Are there things it is considered rude to accept or rude to turn down; rude to ask for or not to ask for?

  • How do different eating customs of the various cultures and races interact and conflict?

  • Who speaks first at a formal gathering?

  • What kinds of gifts are considered appropriate or in extremely bad taste?

  • How do younger adults address their elders?

  • When is it rude to laugh at something funny?

  • What kinds of questions cannot be asked in public? -- or in private or even not at all?

  • What parts of the body are routinely covered?

  • How private are bodily functions like bathing or defecating?

  • What are the rules of precedence? -- who gets to go through doors first and who gets introduced first?

  • How important are "good manners" in this society?

  • What constitutes everyday good manners?

  • How do "good manners" differ from race to race?

  • How do different peoples react when someone has just been, by their standards, unspeakably rude?

  • When and where are people supposed to be on their best behavior?

Tabus & Faux Pas
  • What are considered controversial subjects in this culture?

  • What things can you start a friendly disputation about?

  • What things will automatically result in an unfriendly argument?

  • What are the primary social tabus? -- what things are simply not done and what things are not talked about?

  • What would happen if someone broke such a tabu?

  • What are the greatest social faux pas?

  • What subjects or actions cause embarrassment or discomfort?


Questions on Morality, Ethics & Faith

  • What is the ideal life that people aspire to?

  • What virtues are held in greatest esteem?

  • What are the virtues and vices within this culture?

  • What kinds of people are the rebels and outcasts of this society?

  • How does society deal with them?

  • Do wild and rebellious young people dress any differently from anyone else and are they tolerated within society or are they in some way living marginal but socially sanctioned lives outside the normal bounds of good society?

  • What ideas or words or actions will result in making one a social outcast or exile?

  • What happens to people who don't fit the accepted social order? -- do they live and work in their own sections of town, or are they invisible, or are they expelled altogether?

  • What will people swear a binding oath by?

  • What is the most desired or most valuable object in this society, be it gold, jewels, drugs, money, furs, reindeer, knowledge or virtue?

  • Why is it so coveted and valued?

  • Do different races value different things?

  • What attitudes, speech or actions are considered normal and acceptable in this society that may not be so considered from an outsider's perspective?

  • What attitudes, speech or actions are considered shocking in this society that may not be so considered from an outsider's perspective?

  • What would be the reaction of an ordinary person who sees someone doing one of these things?

  • What are the acceptable limits to honor and honesty in this society?

  • Are "white lies" acceptable socially, or is lying in any form inconceivable?

  • Is thievery an accepted, if disreputable, occupation, or is it a crime?

  • Is a binding oath absolutely unbreakable or can one consider the arrangement broken should the other party turn out to have had ill intent or withheld key information?

  • What is considered the right thing to do if two oaths come into conflict?

  • What are attitudes toward ownership of crafted objects, of intellectual property, of chattels, slaves and of land ?

  • What constitutes "theft" and what can be stolen? -- gems, gold, someone's good name or reputation?

  • Can a slave steal himself and what would the consequences be?

  • Are thieves independent criminals, members of a guild or businessmen licensed by law?

  • What is the overarching moral framework of this society like?

  • Does morality arise from philosophy or descend from religion?

  • How are the morals within this system known to be true?

  • What actions are considered moral and immoral and amoral?

  • How do the systems of morality of different races and cultures interact and how are conflicts between them resolved?

  • Do all races or ethnicities agree on some basic framework of morality, or are there grave and insurmountable differences among them?

  • Are moral systems enshrined in secular law, religious law or ancient custom?

  • What systems of ethics is in use in this region?

  • Who are the persons or groups of people to whom one automatically owes a duty simply by being born to a particular estate?

  • What is the hierarchy of duty among them and what do the various duties consist of?

  • Who are the arbiters of ethical matters, as opposed to legal matters?

  • Which ethical or moral decisions are considered the province of religion, and which are not?

Faith & Religion
  • Are the people of this culture religious or nonreligious?

  • What are the major religious groups in the region?

  • What are some of their core doctrines, dogmas, beliefs and practices?

  • What is the overall cosmology and eschatology in religious terms?

  • Is religion a cause of dissatisfaction, dissension or hostility in the region?

  • Are religious traditions and any scriptures oral or written in nature or a combination?

  • Is there a set canon of what constitutes officially sanctioned scripture?

  • How are scriptural & traditional exegesis accomplished and by what hermeneutics?

  • What is the role of myth within the religion?

  • Is there a formal creed or set of credal statements that define the faith?

  • What are typical symbols used in the religion and their meanings?

  • What ritual objects are used in the religion (relics, talismans, medals, charms, etc)?

  • What religious officials are there?

  • Is there a formal clergy and how are they organised?

  • Are there monks, saints, faqirs, nuns, prophets, apostles, disciples, preachers, friars, shamans, martyrs, mystics, seers, vates, sages, ascetics, religious heroes, saviours, redeemers, etc?

  • What do people believe happens to them after death?

  • How, if at all, can they influence this?

  • What happens to those who disagree with the majority on questions of religion?

  • Are there any particular places considered especially sacred?

  • Is there a fixed religious calendar?

  • What are the most popular rituals or festivals?

  • Are there liturgical, meditative, and contemplative aspects to the religion?

  • What is the basic structure of the religion (unitary, dualistic, etc)?

  • What is the basic theology of the religion (i.e., monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistc, atheistic, etc)?

  • What do people have to offer to their Deity or deities?

  • What do people want from their Deity or deities?

  • How do they try and get it?

  • Are there differing denominations or sects of the religion?

  • How do their religious practices differ from their neighbours?

  • Are issues such as orthodoxy, heterodoxy, heresy and apostasy keys in the religious life?

  • What gender, ethnic, national or racial issues exist within the religion?

  • Is ecumenism engaged in, or are other traditions treated as adversaries or enemies?

  • What is the most commonly broken religious rule?

  • What is the least-violated religious rule?

  • How are such infractions punished?

  • Is it possible to expel a community member?

  • How can an outsider join the religious community?

  • Does the religion send out missionaries and what roles do they play?

  • What factions exist within the dominant religious institutions?

  • How do they compete?

  • Are the differing groups a result of schismatism or mutual and cooperative separation?

  • Are there monastic groups?

  • What do they do and how are they organized?

  • How do you join one?

  • Are there cult groups within the religious community?

  • How are those who follow different faiths treated?

  • What relationship do religious and political leaders have?

  • What superstitions are common?

  • What kinds of supernatural events or beings do people fear?

  • What kinds of supernatural or othernatural beings exist (angels, demons, devi, asuras, spirits, ghosts, sprites, etc)?

  • How are dreams and visions encompassed by the religion?

  • How is religious action expressed (spontaneous or ritual liturgy, song, dance, music, ritual action, sex, miracle plays, etc)?

  • Are any divine beings present or distant; and do they take an active role in temple activities and the lives of everyday people?

  • How many gods are there?

  • Do they exist within a hierarchy and do they form various classes or groups?

  • Which ones are good or evil, or somewhere in betwee?

  • Is this distinction even applicable when speaking of gods?

  • From a religious perspective, how are miracles distinguished and differentiated from magic?

  • Is there tension, rivalry, or outright hostility between any of the gods?

  • Does this spill over into tensions between various temple organisations or secular polities?

  • How does religion mesh with society?

  • How do people view its actions (or inactivity) within society?

  • Is there an established church?

  • Is freedom of religion the norm or is there some amount of compulsion?

  • Do the gods care how people behave?

  • What part does faith play in the worship of gods?

  • Do people choose one or more gods to worship and ignore the others, or does everybody officially worship everyone?

  • How is it determined which god an individual will worship or temple to be affiliated with; or are all gods worshiped indiscriminately?

  • Are philosophers and theologians considered ivory-tower academics, or do they debate in the marketplace for all to hear and consider their perspectives?

  • How much influence do their theories have on the way people actually behave?

  • Are priests and philosophers full-time workers, or do they support themselves through working at some other craft?

  • If they are full-time, who supports them? -- the congregation, a wealthy patron, the temple's investment fund, the god they serve?

  • Why are the gods interested in people?

  • Are they like a family pantheon (quarrelsome, larger-than-life humans), or are they transcendent and incomprehensible?

  • Are gods limited in their powers and capabilities?

  • Can gods make mistakes? -- where can a person go to seek redress against a god?

  • How do the various temples and philosophies explain the problem of evil?

  • Do they think bad things are always a just punishment for some transgression, a character-building exercise, the result of an evil antagonist or simply something the gods can't overturn?

  • What are the various rites like?

  • What offerings are considered appropriate or insufficient and are different sacrifices required for different gods?

  • Are there times when people are expected to fast, or feast?

  • Are there rites or temples that are off-limits to outsiders, or even uninitiated insiders?


Questions on Arts & Aesthetics

  • What are the favourite & least favourite art forms?

  • Is there a distinct musical or literary style; and what are they like?

  • How respected are artists?

  • Do artists require official or unofficial protection or patronage?

  • What kinds of trouble are artists in particular likely to find themselves in?

  • How might a very successful artist live?

  • What forms of theatre does this society have?

  • How naturalistic or stylized is this society's art?

  • What shapes are most common in this society's arts, like embroidery or architecture?

  • Which art forms get the most and least respect or receive the most attention?

  • What form does censorship take?

  • Who may not be an artist?

  • What qualities equal "beauty" in this society?

  • What makes a man or woman especially beautiful?

  • What are the standards of beauty for people; paintings and sculpture; clothing and furniture?

  • How do standards of beauty reflect the physical traits of the various races?

  • What is the status of the arts in this society?

  • Are artists revered or mistrusted?

  • Are there permanent theaters or concert halls for the performing arts?

  • Are there also traveling troupes of players/musicians/dancers?

  • What things are considered appropriate subjects for representational arts and which are not?

  • Are certain races or cultures considered better at some arts than others?

  • Where do the best dancers, painters, musicians, actors, and so forth come from?

Questions on Entertainment
  • What are popular games, sports & pastimes?

  • How important are they?

  • How do such activities vary from one race or culture to another?

  • How much free time do people usually have?

  • What do they spend this time doing?

  • Does the culture have outlets for dramatic arts (theater, puppetry, kinematography)?

  • What other major forms of entertainment are there?

  • Is the populace literate and numerate?

  • Do people read for pleasure?

  • If so, what do they read?

  • How much do books, magazines, broadsheets and the like cost?

  • Is there a public library system; and who uses it?

  • Who are popular authors and poets?

  • Who are some of the more famous characters from literature?

  • What are some of the more well known story lines from literature?

  • How embedded have scenes or lines from literary works become in ordinary language; what are the equivalents of "a rose by any other name" or "it was a dark and stormy night"?

  • How do people listen to music: in a theater, making music at home, street musicians, mechanical reproduction & playback?

  • Does music influence people's behaviour?

  • Does this culture have a typical dance form; and what is it like?

  • Who is able to see such entertainments and what restrictions might there be against some people?

Questions on Healing Arts
  • What access do people have to clean drinking water, either at home or in public?

  • What access do people have to proper sanitation, either at home or in public?

  • Do houses or public buildings have plumbing? -- and does it involve cold and warm water plus sewer?

  • Describe any public or private bathing or toilet facilities.

  • What level are the healing & medical arts at?

  • Is there an understanding of or distinction between quack medicine and valid medicine?

  • How is healthcare delivered in this society; what are its foundations?

  • Are there hospitals or sanataria where many forms of health care are concentrated; or are practitioners more diffuse within the community?

  • Do people have access to any form of medical aid for emergencies or for less urgent problems?

  • What kinds of ailments or injuries are treatable in the locality using available supplies and expertise?

  • What does typical healthcare cost?

  • Regarding healers, how are they chosen and educated?

  • What divisions or groups are there?

  • Are the divisions hierarchical or horizontal in nature?

  • Is healing generally a magical process?

  • How does the magical healing talent work?

  • Does a magical healer have to consciously direct the healing process, or does magical healing simply speed up the normal, unconscious healing process in the patient?

  • Is there more than one kind of magical healer?

  • Are there both magical and non-magical healers, and if so, are they rivals or simply different specialties?

  • How do this society's healers try to treat wounds and sickness?

  • Which medical assumptions of this society are wrong?

  • Do people seek care on an as-needed or emergency basis; or is health care seen as a preventative endeavour; how often do people typically engage witha healer?.

  • Is a distinction made between physical and nonphysical ailments?

  • What happens to those suffering from extreme mental or spiritual illness?

  • How do people react to physical deformity, both congenital & acquired?

  • What level of medical care can be found in this region and how reliable is it?

  • Which is better to be suffering from -- the disease or the cure?

  • How accurate is the diagnostic process?

  • Do healers have ways of telling two diseases with similar symptoms apart?

  • How much is known about anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc.?

  • Are treatments based on purely practical experience, or do healers understand at least some of what they are doing?

  • Who normally handles issues of fertility and childbirth -- midwives, doctors, or someone else?

  • Are birth control or abortion or infanticide tabu or practiced freely; and under what circumstances?

  • What is the mortality rate for pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children?

  • What kinds of treatments are available, be they herbal teas, vaccinations, acupuncture, spells, and the like; how effective are they?

  • Is it possible to resurrect or resuscitate someone who has died; and when is it to late for the process to be successful?

  • Is such a person considered normally alive, a zombie of some kind or some other category?

  • Are there diseases that only affect one race or another?

  • Are there diseases that affect everybody, but with different degrees of severity, regardless of race?

  • Do healers have to take specialized training in order to properly treat people of different races?

Questions on the Life Span
  • How long do people of various races or ethnicities live?

  • What factors explain any discrepancies?

  • What subdivisions exist that describe the various times of a person's lifespan?

  • What rites mark these times in a person's life?

  • What rights or duties do people have at different times in their lives?

  • What emoluments or considerations do people have at different times in their lives?

Questions on Birth, Childhood & Adolescence
  • What customs surround a birth and the introduction of a new child to the family?

  • Is the mother sequestered for some period; or is the child?

  • Is there a formal presentation of the new child to the parents, grandparents, overlord, priest or community?

  • Is a feast and celebration declared, or does everyone keep a low profile to keep from attracting demons or bad luck?

  • Who is normally present for births?

  • Is childbirth strictly a matter for women, or are men involved as well, or is expectant mother secluded and expected to give birth entirely unaided?

  • Who raises the children?

  • At what age do they begin to be educated or trained for a craft?

  • Who normally educates children?

  • Are children dressed differently from adults; and if so, when do they change to adult dress?

Questions on Rites of Passage: Coming of Age, Marriage, Anointment
  • What are the rites of passage in this culture?

  • Are there formalized rituals or is the transition more informal in nature?

  • Are there different rites for men and women or other groups of people?

  • When and how does someone go from child to adult?

  • How is a marriage defined?

  • How is a marriage contracted?

  • What are the society's mores regarding courtship, betrothal & marriage?

  • Is marriage primarily a civil or a religious institution?

  • What is the term of a marriage contract?

  • What gifts are considered appropriate or inappropriate for a wedding?

  • How are marriages celebrated?

  • What is considered too great a difference in age for a couple?

  • Do relationships allow multiple partners?

  • In what ways is a marriage considered broken?

  • How can a marriage be terminated?

Life Span
Rites of Passage

Tools of the Trade

These are the key tools that I use to create, manage, and run my RPG sessions

D&D Meets AI for Campaign Creation

As a large language model, ChatGPT processes natural language input and generates human-like responses to facilitate conversation and provide information to users.

D&D Meets AI for Campaign Creation

​Midjourney is an independent research lab that produces an artificial intelligence program under the same name that creates images from textual descriptions, similar to OpenAI's DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Game Master Platform is a story first AI enabled intelligent platform that allows GMs to create, build, mange, and run their campaigns. 

Game Master Platform is a story first AI enabled intelligent platform that allows GMs to create, build, mange, and run their campaigns. 

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