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The Enchanted Scribe
Generative AI for Fantasy Tabletop
Role Playing Games

Welcome! At The Enchanted Scribe, we explore AI (ChaptGPT, Midjourney & more) and its impact on generating fantasy tabletop role playing content.  From campaigns, to graphics, NPCs, to dialog, we explore the content prompting process.


Welcome to the new way of being a game master.


AI & RPG Blogs

Start Here: What is Generative AI and Why Should
You Care?
The Future of Fantasy Role Playing Games: Exploring the Potential of Generative AI in Game Content Creation
Deconstructing the Midjourney Prompt: A Comprehensive Approach to Fantasy Scene Generation
How to Use Midjourney to Create Stunning Fantasy Gaming Images: Step by Step Tutorial
ChatGPT for Gamemasters Prompting Cheat Sheet
Crafting Unforgettable Journeys: Prompt Engineering for Better AI Generated D&D Campaigns

Featured in TIME Magazine

I was interviewed several months ago by TIME magazine about the use of AI and Role-Playing Games (RPG), specifically Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).  

Pick up a copy today!

TIME Magazine featured The Enchanted Scribe in their December issue on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Tools of the Trade

These are the key tools that I use to create, manage, and run my RPG sessions

D&D Meets AI for Campaign Creation

As a large language model, ChatGPT processes natural language input and generates human-like responses to facilitate conversation and provide information to users.

D&D Meets AI for Campaign Creation

Midjourney is an independent research lab that produces an artificial intelligence program under the same name that creates images from textual descriptions, similar to OpenAI's DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Game Master Platform is a story first AI enabled intelligent platform that allows GMs to create, build, mange, and run their campaigns. 

Game Master Platform is a story first AI enabled intelligent platform that allows GMs to create, build, mange, and run their campaigns. 

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